Are you ready to experience expansion in your wellness practice through a retreat?

Start here with these simple questions and we will send you our Holistic Guide to Manifesting Your Best Retreat and offer you an opportunity for a Retreat Exploration Session.

Feeling that spark as you read this?

All good things start with a first step.  This is for you if you are a wellness service provider, healer, therapist or coach who is wondering…..

Will a retreat help me reach and impact more people for good?

I’ve run retreats but can it be easier to do?

How do I offer a retreat to my audience?

Should I do this solo or is there a way to collaborate with other hosts?

Is the retreat right for my audience and method? 

How do I go from 1-on-1 services to group format?

I already have a location / venue in mind. Can a team like yours still assist?

Answer a few questions, review our guide and we’ll explore with you.

Changing lives.

Feeling good while we do it.

We believe:
Intentionally designed and expertly delivered retreat experiences are the most effective pathway to growth and transformation.

The most important work we can do on this earth is help each other connect, explore, discover, and cultivate all that is beautiful within and without.

Your mission is nurturing compassion, kindness, goodwill, and love for oneself and others in the world. And you manifest miraculous results with your gifts

Yet clients aren’t magically showing up.
Your energy is a roller coaster.
Business topics are confusing and dim your light.
And you see clients stuck and frustrated.

So you just keep setting your intentions and
world trusting it will all come together somehow.

(and it does… which is maybe why you are the one destined to read this!)

Welcome friend.

We are the helper to helpers like you.