Invites Wellness Providers, Healers and Coaches with life transforming missions to our foundational business wellness program:
Changing lives.
Feeling good while we do it.
We believe:
Intentionally designed and expertly delivered retreat experiences are the most effective pathway to growth and transformation.

The most important work we can do on this earth is help each other connect, explore, discover, and cultivate all that is beautiful within and without.
Your mission is nurturing compassion, kindness, goodwill, and love for oneself and others in the world. And you manifest miraculous results with your gifts
Yet clients aren’t magically showing up.
Your energy is a roller coaster.
Business topics are confusing and dim your light.
And you see clients stuck and frustrated.
So you just keep setting your intentions and
world trusting it will all come together somehow.
(and it does… which is maybe why you are the one destined to read this!)
Welcome friend.
We are the helper to helpers like you.
A successful wellness / coaching practice includes the best in BOTH business and transformational experiences. We bring both.
With decades of holistic trauma-informed therapy practice, mindfulness and energetic wellness experience, retreat design and leadership expertise, and business and marketing success, we’ve designed a pathway of guiding principles that’s most effective.
We call it the Sanando Practice.
Secondly, we apply business smarts to your heart-led endeavor so that you can be fully embodied as a profitable practice in health, wealth and connection.
Retreat design. Websites, marketing, event logistics, landing pages, email automations, social media strategies.
To us these are beautiful mechanisms by which we can convey your spirit and purpose in meaningful, connective ways so that you focus on what you do best – meeting people where they are and inviting them to journey together towards growth and fulfillment..
Our friend in wellness, it would be our honor to be a trusted helper and healer for your practice and your entire business flow.
Expanding and Directing the Flow of Your Business
Businesses need healing too.
You may be wondering why it’s hard for you, why you start some business projects but can’t get them over the finish line, why some of your amazing experiences don’t book up, why it looks so easy for others to do this based on their social media posts.
Here’s some validation… This is normal and you’re exactly where you are meant to be. Maybe you’ve just been missing the right team with the right approach?
It’s takes the collective of all gifts to bring this all together.
As a healer / coach / wellness practitioner, you’ve likely not been exposed to a lot of business topics. And the business world is maddeningly noisy.
Initiatives to grow, market and sell your services can feel off to someone who instinctively is a healer, feeler and helper.
Business itself is a masculine beast presented as scary unknowns, fast changing tactics and brute force actions. It doesn’t always FEEL GOOD.
Here’s a secret:
The same intuition, healing care and knowingness you have in your wellness practice, works in business too.
It works when applied by people like us who have decades of business experience and who haven’t neglected the heart and soul side of business.
(Our team is actually called the Feel Good Work team. Because if something doesn’t feel good, we are doing some work wrong and need to pause and adjust.)
To grow your wellness practice, you need to include aligned business initiatives with your intention setting and natural gifts of attraction.
Lack of the right business approach is a barrier to successfully sharing your helping gifts with the world.
It hurts our hearts to know that your gifts are being limited by some of the “business things” we find naturally easy.
Like how to capture your wellness and coaching sessions and transform them into an even more powerful retreat mechanism where you see true commitment and connection in your clients.
And how we take your spirit and present it on web pages and emails and in programs in a way that captures your entire soul and touches lives.
We’ve intentionally chosen to be business helpers in this helper space because of the power of good it brings to the world.
Our mission is to expand the impact and reach of your wellness programs, and bring peace, flow and expansion to you as a wellness provider, coach and healer.
Will you trust us and the spirit guiding us to use our natural gifts to help you direct and expand the flow of your business?

How We Do This

We apply our very own Sanando Practice Flow for “feel good businesses” to your business.
This allows you to deliver your most inspired healing work without diluting your efforts with the “business details” energy that can diminish creativity and focus.
What Business with Sanando Flow Feels like:
Many of us experience “financial triggers” that actually manifest the fight, flight or freeze response.
(expand money manifesto here)
The Sanando Practice applied to your wellness /
coaching business will simplify, align and tame
the right actions into an easy flow.
You experience a flow and ease in the business
and logistics and manifest your most aligned
retreat and program experience for your dream